This guide contains everything you need to know about Swedish singer Robin Bengtsson.
When is his birthday?
27 April 1990
What is his most popular song?
‘Constellation Prize’
What else should I know about Robin Bengtsson?
Robin’s career started when he took part in Swedish Idol back in 2008. He finished third in the competition behind winner Kevin Borg and runner-up Alice Svensson. Robin was then signed by Merion Music and released his debut single ‘Another Lover’s Gone’. He has since released a number of singles, along with an EP called Under My Skin in 2014.
Last year, Robin participated in Melodifestivalen in a bid to represent Sweden at the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. He finished fifth in the competition with his song ‘Constellation Prize’ with Frans going on to win. However, Robin did not give up! This year he once again entered Melodifestivalen with the song ‘I Can’t Go On’ and went on to win the competition. He will perform the song at the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest in Kyiv in May.
What are his social media links?
Finally, don’t forget to let us know what you love about Robin! Also, we now have all our representatives for this year’s Eurovision so let us know who your favourites are by tweeting us @CelebMix.