
For some reason, CB and I rarely have heated debates over celebrities. We agree on most people, and there’s the off hot guy that one of us likes more than the other (for me, Gerard Butler and Ethan Hawke, for CB, Matt Damon and Sam Worthington). However, the state of Jennifer Love Hewitt is always up for a discussion betwixt CB and I. I’m generally “against,” and CB is usually “for”. CB likes Love in a girl-next-door kind of way, thinking that Love is harmless and sweet. I think Love has a more nefarious streak, and to me, she’s barely one step up from Jessica Simpson’s dumb shenanigans. Barely.

Anyway, Love has a new BOYFRIEND and now that she and Alex Beh have been dating for a full… three months, maybe?… they’re totally in love and they are ready to bring their LOVE everywhere. They will bring their love to red carpets. They will bring their love to interviews. They will bring their love to music videos! Oh, yes. Jennifer Love and Alex are starring in a new music video for Dave Barnes – and it’s a Christmas song too! Note several things about this video: one, Love is wearing the motherload of makeup; two, Alex Beh might be even cheesier than Love and three, this actually isn’t a bad Christmas song, but the video denigrates it.

Did anyone else notice that Love is so top-heavy that she has a hard time walking down stairs? Poor Love. Also: she’s a terrible actress. Just awful. I know CB likes her and everything, but my God. This is embarrassing.


Photos courtesy of Fame.
