As you probably already know, 5 Seconds of Summer guitarist Michael Clifford dyes hair, like, a lot. So much that fans like to make jokes about how he will go bald one day. Maybe he will, but right now all of us are fangirling about his latest color choice.

Michael has dyed his hair a lot, but his most popular hair color was, in fact, red. Such a bold color, you would think he wouldn’t be able to pull off such a color. Oh, how wrong that is. He has rocked red hair before and is doing it again! If I didn’t know better I would say that he dyed his hair red because us fans have been begging him to do it since he abandoned it a while ago.

Michael Clifford revealed his new-found hair by simply tweeting out a selfie with the caption “U ask I supply,” (Nice spelling there by the way, haha). This is what the fam has been waiting for! All day he has been teasing us and it has not been fun. Finally, just out of the blue with no warning, he throws this on us. My 5SOS heart cannot take this! First they announce Jet Black Heart as their next single and now… ugh this is too much. But hey, I’m not complaining.

And to add on to the Twitter selfie Michael posted, Luke decided to join in and post a mockery of Michael’s’ selfie with the caption “Still have blonde hair.” Oh, Luke. We love you.

So what do you think of Michael Clifford’s red hair? Do you like it? Do you prefer a different color? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @CelebMix
